Lessen the layer on images

Home Forums Greenery Pro Lessen the layer on images

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  • #14320

    On the most images in Greenery pro there is a dark layer with a lessen opacity. For example homepage-slider, or [whatwe_image_carousel] or the Inner Page Banner.

    1. Where can I reduce this opacity? Sometimes it is too dark.
    2. Where can I change/reduce the height of the element [whatwe_image_carousel]? After integrating some images, the background is to heigh (too much grey area).

    Thank you in advance.

    Rising Themes


    1. Kindly send us the site URL so we can check and let you know.

    2. If you want to reduce the image height so you need to use the photoshop for this or we can do this.

    Thank You


    thank you.
    Concerning 1: I’ve send you an email via contact form, because I don’t want to make the url public in the forum.
    Concerning 2: Ok, done.

    Best regards

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